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Helpful chiropractic resources

  • How I Sleep Through The Night Thanks to My Chiropractor

    We’ve all had the unfortunate luck of encountering someone at the beginning of our day who, as we say, woke up on the wrong side of the bed. It’s not a pleasant experience. Though, it’s not as bad as being that person who woke up on the wrong side of the bed. It’s less about…

  • 5 Natural Sleep Aids and The Dreams I Tell My Chiropractor

    In a world of never-ending breaking news alerts, constant panic about what will happen when all the bees die, and having to jump through hoops to get a ticket to the Taylor Swift concert, there are a lot of people staying up way past their bedtime. As a chiropractor for sleep disorders, I know that…

  • The Epley Maneuver Stops the Vertigo Spins in Jacksonville, FL

     Hey guys, Dr. Brian here. Let’s talk about vertigo. One of the main types most common types of vertigo is what’s called BPPV. That’s Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo, just remember BPPV. Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo Fortunately, in the year 1980, Mr. John Eppley, he found a technique. It’s called the Epley maneuver. And it’s…

  • Tests to Diagnose Vertigo in Jacksonville, FL

    Hey guys, we’re Beyond Bones here and I’m Dr. Brian, let’s discuss some of the exams that may be used to determine what’s causing your vertigo. Understanding what’s causing it, what type of vertigo it is, well, those are very, very important things in determining how to get rid of it so you can get…

  • Chiropractic Care for Vertigo Relief in Jacksonville, FL

    Hey guys, let’s discuss how chiropractic can help those suffering from the symptoms of vertigo. That sensation of dizziness and spinning that can be so, so disruptive to living a normal life. Cervical Subluxation Can Cause Vertigo Symptoms There are many, many cases in which misalignment or subluxation in the cervical spine in the neck,…

  • Beyond Bones Helps Relieve Vertigo in Jacksonville, FL

    Hey guys, Dr. Brian here at Beyond Bones and we’re gonna talk about vertigo. Now Vertigo is one of the most upsetting, most concerning most disruptive symptoms of them all. And vertigo can come as many different symptoms or a combination of those symptoms under the bigger umbrella of vertigo. The Symptoms Commonly Associated with…