Hip Pain Treatment in Jacksonville, FL

Hip Pain Treatment chiropractor Above Footer Jacksonville FL

“Before I started coming here, life was very difficult. I couldn’t sit for long periods of time, I couldn’t sleep for long periods of time, constantly in pain aching with my lower spine and my hips.

Two weeks after I started getting adjusted, I woke up one morning and realised I didn’t wake up all throughout the night. I was able to sit a little bit longer, stand a little bit longer, and bend over without being in pain.”

Patient of Beyond Bones Alignment Studio

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Hip pain is a symptom that affects millions of people around the world each year. As with most musculoskeletal conditions, there are many potential causes of hip pain. As chiropractors, our focus is primarily on the alignment and the function of the joints that make up the hips.

Two primary joints create our pelvis – the sacroiliac joints (SI joints). These joints are incredibly strong and connect our hip bones to the base of the spine at the sacrum. The SI joints are involved in every movement we can do that involves our lower body and create the solid foundation necessary to allow us to walk, run, jump, lunge, squat, etc.

As with any joint, there are times when the SI joints can become damaged or restricted in their normal movement. Over time this will become a greater and greater irritant to the body and brain and may cause pain and discomfort of various kinds. As chiropractors, we are trained to analyze the spine and pelvis through a structural lens, looking for any areas of imbalance and joint restriction. Once restrictions are found, we begin working to free up the affected joints so they can move fluidly with ease for the rest of someone’s life. This, in turn, will reduce pain and discomfort, not only in the hip joints, but it is very likely that the individual will also feel the positive consequences of chiropractic adjustments in other areas of the spine and body.

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Comprehensive Exam and Chiropractic Care

Hip pain is often related to joint dysfunction in the Sacroiliac joints. These joints bring together the pelvis and provide a great deal of stability to our entire skeleton. If they are injured, or there is joint dysfunction, they will not function properly, potentially causing many different symptoms.

As part of our exam process, we will use X-ray imagery to analyze the pelvis to see where it is out of balance, potentially creating vulnerabilities elsewhere in the spine and the hip joints themselves. If we discover areas of dysfunction, we will offer a care plan designed to improve the function of the hip joints and bring them back into balance, ultimately improving the function of the entire spine.

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Common Signs of Hip Dysfunction

We can likely feel the consequences of poorly functioning joints each and every day. Our hips form the foundation for our spine and are involved in almost every movement we perform throughout our day. There are basic movements that we all likely do each day that, if they cause pain, are a good indicator that our hip joints are not functioning well.

  • Turning over while sleeping. If the simple act of twisting to turn over while sleeping creates hip pain, there is a good chance that SI joint dysfunction is present.
  • Sitting or getting up from a seated position. If a controlled descent, like when we are sitting, or an ascent, like when we are rising from a seated position, creates discomfort and pain, there is a high likelihood that SI joint dysfunction is present.
  • Bearing the weight of our body on one leg. If activities like climbing stairs, bending over to pick up an object on one leg, jumping and landing on one leg, etc., cause discomfort and irritation, there is a good chance that your SI joints are not functioning at their best.

This is not an exhaustive list but rather a simple list of a few things we commonly see in our offices every week. If you’re unsure about the cause of your primary health concern, there is only one way to find out: have an exam done so we can analyze the balance of our spine and hips.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What are the primary joints that make up our pelvis, and what is their function?

The primary joints that make up our pelvis are the sacroiliac joints (SI joints), which connect our hip bones to the base of the spine at the sacrum. The SI joints provide the foundation for many movements we can do that involve our lower body, such as walking, running, jumping, lunging, and squatting.

What are some potential causes of hip pain?

Hip pain can have many potential causes, including joint dysfunction in the sacroiliac joints, arthritis, bursitis, tendonitis, muscle strain or injury, and nerve compression or damage.

How do chiropractors approach hip pain?

Chiropractors focus primarily on the alignment and function of the joints that make up the hips, with a particular focus on the sacroiliac joints. Through a structural lens, they analyze the spine and pelvis to look for any areas of imbalance and joint restriction. Once these areas are identified, they work to free up the affected joints to promote fluid movement and reduce pain and discomfort.

How do chiropractors diagnose hip pain?

As part of the exam process, chiropractors may use X-ray imagery to analyze the pelvis and identify any areas of dysfunction or imbalance. They may also perform physical exams and take a patient’s medical history to understand the root cause of the hip pain.

Why is it important to address hip pain?

The hips form the foundation for our spine and are involved in almost every movement we perform throughout our day. If there is joint dysfunction or pain, it can affect not only the hips but also other areas of the spine and body. Addressing hip pain through chiropractic care can improve the function of the hip joints and bring them back into balance, ultimately improving the function of the entire spine and reducing pain and discomfort.

Ready to Feel Better?

Come see us at Beyond Bones Alignment Studio right here in Jacksonville, FL. We’re all about helping you hit your health targets. Book your first evaluation with us today and let’s start working on getting you back to your best.